Saturday, March 14, 2009

Marc Prensky- Digital Natives

Though I am not in the field of education, I have experience teaching and have experienced the dichotomy between what Prensky calls digital immigrants and natives. I consider myself to be a native, however, as with any skill, there is often a blurry line between proficiency acquired at a later stage in life and proficiency developed form an early age. In other words, one can learn something because they have to, as they are being thrown into it or they can learn it because of some motivation to do so.
In terms of legacy and future, a classroom can benefit from the introduction of new learning techniques that rely both on the utilization of philosophical reasoning, abstract thinking and logical analyses, and visual, fast-paced, immediate-goal-oriented techniques.
Social networks can facilitate the process of feedback from peers, exposure of ideas etc. Inter-connectedness can lead to the development of knowledge and skills that belong both in the legacy and future category. Social networks and interconnectedness can be the means and the end in themselves. Means to the spreading, feedback and exposure or traditional/nontraditional types of thinking and the end of improving the quality of communication.

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