Saturday, March 7, 2009

A couple of interesting videos on social networks

Interesting short vid:

Social Networks: Everyone Knows Everything About Everyone:

Danah Boyd on Social Networks and Immersive Environments:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for these links. I think the first video is really interesting because it counteracts the argument around privacy and keeping everything about you controlled. He's saying, yes, people will know everything about you but so what, that's how you make connections. It's like networking on steroids. I believe this is how digital natives think. Digital natives also believe that hard drives could be a thing of the past - everything stored on the network so you always have access to it. It's just a different way of thinking.

    That being said, I'm not sure I entirely agree with the second video. I don't think immersive environments are going away. I think they may evolve. They may even evolve to the point that they are accessible via mobile devices, some day. But I think virtual worlds definitely have their place. There are some things that they are well suited for, like real-world simulations that could not happen anywhere else ("experiencing" speed-of-light travel, for example). Of course, mobile computing is also in it's infancy and will also evolve.
