Sunday, March 8, 2009

Random thread for random yet great info on social media to pass on

We'll use this as a thread to post interesting relevant links we randomly come across. To subscribe or to add a link to this, just click on comment.

here's one from the WSJ online: Mars Snackfood says it redesigned the site to better connect with its core teenage audience, which spends a lot of time using social media. "The teen audience relies heavily on their peers for advice on products. This is a unique, unexpected way to engage and to be a part of the conversation," says spokesman Ryan Bowling.
Skittles Cozies Up to Social Media
Candy's Site Is Built on Consumer-Created Content From Twitter, Facebook on WSJ site:


  1. This one's fun for Brownie's kids... just pure fun
    Make music with your keyboard.

  2. Another one for you Brownie..was looking for this link all weekend and someone twittered it to me!

    3 phenomenal examples of innovation in and by orchestras

  3. On the topic of privacy, but more specifically cyberbullying, check out this website: That's Not Cool.

  4. Another post to the web from your phone site:

    share text, videos, audio and pics

  5. Fantastic Photo Pictoral on using handheld tools to do amazing on the spot MOS (man on the street) interviews-we'll talk about this one at our first live sessionL

  6. There's Power behind Cool

    interesting social media viral marketing article from an environmental Smart Grid concept/product GE is pushing
    I first saw it on twitter, it caught my eye and sure enough im farming it out :)

  7. This one has been around for a bit but I just recently saw it again. How will this change the way we view technology as an educational tool?
    Microsoft Surface Computing

  8. The Microsoft Surface Computing video reminds of an idea one company is trying to get off the ground in music. Its a music stand with a "music reader built in, so you would no longer be using regular sheet music to read. There is talk of including editing tools, so one can hear the music played and the performer can add markings to annotate their part.

    I would also like to see something built in so performers/students can comment on what they are doing, respond to an issue that comes up in their performance - maybe just a brief "twitter-like" comment informing classmates or the teacher in real time what they are struggling with, feel good about, etc. This would provide the basis for making further activities more meaningful and student-centered. Yes, I'm reading more John Dewey...

  9. Interesting… I might try some of this on my blog, too. It’s quite interesting how you sometimes stop being innovative and just go for an accepted solution without actually trying to improve it… you make a couple of good points.
    online marketing
