Friday, April 3, 2009

How Tweet It Is

How Tweet It Is
I found this article and thought you would all like to read it, especially those of you who are still unsure about why you would want to use Twitter. It's an interesting read about how Twitter was founded and what it is has become. For me, the most compelling line of the article is this: "To its loyal users, Twitter is an invaluable part of their daily lives." I'm not quite there yet, but I can see myself using it daily as an educator.


  1. Thank you for the article!
    Twitter is blocked at my school so while I could never use Twitter itself I’m sure there are other twitteresque sites out there
    I get the fact that our students have been raised with different technologies and they function differently than we did when we were their age. That makes sense to me. I get that because of sites like facebook, twitter etc. that they are more connected and aspects of their lives are more transparent than ever before.
    With that said, I’m still just having a very difficult understanding how Twitter could make my classroom a better place for learning. I feel like there is something huge that I’m missing, something that is going over my head and I can’t put my finger or brain on it.
    Has anyone used twitter or a site like twitter in their class? If so, in what context and how did it work for you?

  2. Derek,
    I haven't personally used Twitter in the classroom since I don't have a class yet, however this teacher describes some useful ways to use Twitter as an educational tool. I thought this might help illuminate some answers to the questions you posed.
