Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Live Mobile Blogging Application on BlackBerry App World

CellSpin Launches 'Video, Audio, Photo & Text' Live Mobile Blogging Application on BlackBerry App World for All Major Social Networks and Blogging Platforms



  1. Interesting. It seems like they support my Centro too. But, this might make you laugh, why exactly would I want to sign up? I just can't see that I would want to use my cell phone to update my blogs, etc... Twitter maybe. But I already have a Mobile Twitter app. Am I missing something here? Also, it seems to have the same problem as other consolidators that it will only let you post to one blogger site, or one twitter account, but not multiple and no choice.

  2. I can see it being useful for those whose blogs are now becoming a part of their business or hobby or even for journalists- one thing's for sure blogging is incredibly ubiquitous so someone's going to be using it!

    I can make facebook status changes and send notes to friends there via my phone so why not blogging by phone. What about a travelogue -possibly the best reason to have that app to post your experiences and pictures from wherever you happen to be in the world!


  3. A travel log is a good idea. I wish I had this technology years ago when I used to travel all over the world. Hopefully I'll get back to that when school is finished!
